Wednesday, April 5, 2017



Hi girls. you have this homework for next class.

This time you have to decide how to say and what you want to say

Example: You have to carry some heavy boxes upstairs. Ask someone to help you.

                Could you help me with these boxes, please?

1. A friend has just come to see your apartment. Offer him something to drink.

2. There is a concert tonight and you are going with some friends. You think Tom would enjoy it too. Invite  him.

3. You´re in a post office. You want 3 stamps. What do you say?

4. You are sitting on a crowded bus. You see an old lady standing. Offer her your seat.

5. You are in a car with your friend, who is driving. He is going to park his car in a No Parking Zone. What do you say?

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