Thursday, May 4, 2017


Hello! Hello!

In this lesson you have to learned how technology has improved education and communication. 
Now, You will work in pairs (2 people) to create a presentation

1. Make a list of technological tools, devices or applications that have improved other areas of life.
(example: education, communication, etc)

2. Choose a topic from the previous list (list from #1) and find information about it on the internet. Include information about the pros and cons this has.

3. Prepare a short presentation  (3-5 minutes) to inform the class about your investigation.

4. Use the language below to help give your presentation:

**Useful lanuage:

When giving presentations:

  • Our presentation is about...
  • First of all we want to say...
  • We have discovered that...
  • A point that caught our attention is...
  • To summarize.../finally...
  • Do you have any questions?
  • Thank you for your attention.

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